Ad Criteria
updated 3/3/06

Acceptable ad format: PDF ver. 1.3
- All ads must be saved in PDF format. (Acrobat file ver. 1.3)
- All fonts must be embedded.
- Photos/images in ad must be converted and saved as grayscale(B&W) or cmyk(Full Color). NO RGB images. No spot colors.
- Photos in ad should be adjusted to at least 200ppi for newspaper quality, 300ppi for magazine quality.
PDF settings must be set precisely. Color conversion to CMYK must be selected.
- CLICK HERE to see PDF settings.
-Important note: If using QuarkXPress, PageMaker or other commonly used ad layout programs, do not use built in pdf filters when exporting/saving ads to pdf.
This is a very unstable method of creating a postscript/pdf file and often causes font issues.
Simply save ad as Color (CMYK) EPS. Next drag EPS to Acrobat Distiller, using correct
PDF Settings .
-Checking your ad: Open PDF in Acrobat Professional, click Ctrl+D or Apple+D to view Document Properties. PDF Version should be ver 1.3.
All fonts should be embedded, see Font tab. Close Document Properties window.
Last, go to "Advanced" pull down menu, click on "Output Preview" at bottom of list. Check that you only have CMYK color separations.

Digital ads via e-mail

- All ads must be saved in PDF format. (Acrobat file ver. 1.3)
- All fonts must be embedded.
- Photos/images in ad must be converted and saved as grayscale(B&W) or cmyk(Full Color).

- NO RGB images. No spot colors.
- Photos in ad should be adjusted to at least 200ppi for newspaper quality, 300ppi for magazine quality.
- The file size of the ad should not exceed more than 3 megabytes (3000k).
- When e-mailing: Attach the pdf file to the e-mail document.
- Please be descriptive in the subject line. ex: Ad from ACME, running 03/25/06.

- Technical Note: If possible, please stuff or compress the pdf file into a zip, sea or sit file. This will help compress the file size for fast and safe movement across e-mail.

Please send ad material via the e-mail address below...

Digital ads via ftp

- All ads must be saved in PDF format. (Acrobat file ver. 1.3)
- All fonts must be embedded.
- Photos/images in ad must be converted and saved as grayscale(B&W) or cmyk(Full Color). NO RGB images. No spot colors.
- Photos in ad should be adjusted to at least 200ppi for newspaper quality, 300ppi for magazine quality.
- Be cautious of pdf files over 5-10 megabites in size.
- Please be descriptive in the file name. ex: ACME_FallSale_runs03-25-06.pdf

- Technical Note: If possible, please stuff or compress the pdf file into a zip, sea or sit file. This will help compress the file size for fast and safe movement across the internet.

Contact the TimesDaily Prepress Department if setup is needed for FTP access. 256-740-5787
If you have your own FTP site, please contact the TimesDaily Prepress Department to give login information. 256-740-5787

Digital photos via e-mail

- Please use maximum quality when shooting with a digital camera.
- When scanning photos: Scan in image at 300ppi at 100%.
- Photos must be saved as jpeg (.jpg) format.
- The file size of the photo should not exceed more than 3 megabytes (3000k).
- Each photo should be clearly labeled. ex. johnsmith.jpg or MLS023789_213_2nd_st_florence.jpg
- When e-mailing: Attach the photo file to the e-mail document. Do not merge the photo into the body copy. Do not merge or attach photos to Microsoft Word documents, Excel documents, other word processing or spreadsheet documents. Please be descriptive in the subject line. ex: Pictures from ACME for the ad running on 03/25/06.

- Illustrator files must be saved as .eps with text outlined. Save as grayscale(B&W) or cmyk(Full Color). NO RGB. No spot colors.

- Technical Note: Images & Photos from the internet are not adjusted for production. They are adjusted for screen (monitor) resolution which is 72 ppi. Press quality images must be higher. Resolution can always be adjusted down if it original ppi number is high, but cannot be forced from low to high without pixelating and distorting the image.

Please send digital photos via the e-mail address below...

Electronic text documents via e-mail

- When e-mailing: Attach the text document to the e-mail. Use Word document, text or ascii format only (extension will look like this- .doc or .txt). Do not merge or attach photos to text documents. Please be descriptive in the e-mail subject line. Ex: text for John Smith’s ad running on the 03/25/06.
Note: In the case of no attached file...It is acceptable if you prefer to paste or even set your text in the body of the e-mail.

Please send text documents via the e-mail address below...

Electronic text documents via disk

- When saving to a disk: Save Word document, text or ascii format only (extension will look like this- .doc or .txt). Do not merge or attach photos to text documents. Please be descriptive in the naming of the file. Ex: text for John Smiths ad running on 03-25-06.